About us


Train with the Best to be the Best


An Elite team of Experts


Chris Forrest

Chris  Forrest  has  an  extensive background  as  a  Navy  SEAL  and  as  an  overseas  contractor  for  the  government. Specifically, Chris  deployed  three  times  to  Persian  Gulf  with  SEAL  Team  One,  and  five  times  to  Afghanistan as  a  Protective  Security  Specialist  for  the  CIA.  Additionally,  Chris  has  worked  extensively  as  an international  firearms  and  tactics  instructor  in  places  like  Saudi  Arabia  and  El  Salvador.  He empowers his clients to assess situations, work safely and efficiently under stress, and problem  solve.  He  also  provides  instruction  in  avoiding violence,  security  consulting,  personal protection, and team building.


Kendall Switzer

Brigadier General Switzer brings over 36 years of leadership experience in successful, high performance cultures operating in hostile environments throughout the world. A U. S. Naval Academy graduate and Marine Corps F/A-18 pilot, he attended and graduated from the elite TOPGUN fighter weapons school, served as a Naval Strike Warfare Instructor, and flew as a demonstration pilot with the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron (Blue Angels). Additionally, General Switzer served in the United States Air Force/Air National Guard as an F-16 Pilot, Instructor and Commander. He is a Certified Mediator and a leadership / performance trainer and coach. He has enabled owners, managers, and workers achieve higher levels of performance in the construction, oil, gas, mining, aviation, and real-estate industries.


Chris Hahn

Dr. Hahn has held corporate management positions for companies  of  all  sizes.  He  was  co-founder  and  CEO  of  Digital  Integrator,  (Hahn,  et  al., software patent for real-time data integration). He has held land management positions at Conoco and Homestake Mining Company, where he was Land Manager of the nation’s largest gold mining corporation. His Ph.D. work focused on consensus-building and he subsequently wrote a graduate-level textbook (Sage Publications). Chris currently works in as a facilitator, mediator, and consultant, including work at federal, state, and local governmental levels. He is active as a facilitator for the Montana Supreme Court.

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